
Our nine original sites serviced the thriving suburbs of Geelong's industrial north from the early 1950s. A booming population, working at industries such as Ford, pictured above in 1957, needed new homes and of course, schools. Construction was rapid and schools accommodated up to 1000 children but to accommodate 21st Century Learning, these schools needed major regeneration.


  • Corio and Norlane suburbs grew rapidly following the Second World War with large numbers of workers being required for many industries including Ford, Shell Refinery and Pilkington Glass. Schools were hurriedly constructed and student populations at several of the schools were almost 1000 strong. However, by the end of the twentieth century the area had decreased in school age population as a result of lost industry and natural ageing.


  • At the turn of the century nine government schools serviced the local area and each in turn asked the government of the day to revitalise or rebuild their ageing infrastructure. With Victoria's growing population allocations of funding were restricted to comply with educational rationale. Major regeneration was required, not merely updating current buildings. The nine schools were asked to consider a review of educational provision.
  • After many, many months of debate and refinements a Regeneration Concept was developed which would see education delivered to the Corio and Norlane suburbs in a new and community connected way, Students would be educated in state of the art learning spaces which would be constructed on four sites catering for Years Prep to Year 8 and a central senior Campus catering for Years 9 through to Year 12.
  • Rosewall Primary School merged with Corio Primary in 2007 and in 2010 that school along with Corio South Primary, Corio West Primary, Corio Bay College, Flinders Peak Secondary College, Norlane High School and North Shore Primary School all closed.


  • In 2011 Northern Bay P-12 College became Victoria's newest school and the largest multi-campus one.
  • The Flinders site had closed by 2011. While construction was taking place, students attended Norlane High School.


  • Students remained at the Corio South site which had become the Vermont Campus until the rebuilding at other campuses could accommodate students from that school.


  • In 2013 the final configuration of five campus sites was a reality.


  • 75% of the planned rebuild has taken place to date and completion of all sites is expected in coming budget years.


  • Final Campus rebuild will commence at the Goldsworthy 9-12 Campus


  • Term 2 and we have begun moving into the new Goldsworthy campus build.