Digital Learning

Northern Bay College operates an iPad program in our P-2 communities, and a Chromebook program from years 3-12. From 2021 the college took the significant decision to provide learning devices to our 3-12 students.

Access to digital learning and the opportunity to develop digital skills are highly valued at Northern Bay College. We recognise the significant role that technology has in society, and we aim to give our students the skills and understanding they need to responsibly engage with the world through devices. In doing so, we also recognise there are many learning activities and school experiences that do not require the use of technology, and this balance is something we strive to achieve.

We aim to give students the opportunity to access their learning on digital platforms, where required and appropriate. This has been beneficial during the recent periods of remote learning, however these platforms are also used during face-to-face learning so that students can access their learning in a flexible way when they need to.

In the P-2 communities our main platform is Seesaw, along with other educational apps that students can access on our school iPads. From 3-12 our central platform for learning is Google Classroom, which all students can access through their NBC Google Education account. This account gives students automatic access to a school email, as well as all the tools in the Google Education suite. These tools are provided so that students can engage with their schoolwork, and are to be used for school purposes only.

We believe this level of access to technology gives students an exciting opportunity to demonstrate their learning in many different and creative ways. Students can use these devices and tools to create all kinds of content, such as:

  • Videos
  • Music pieces
  • Podcasts
  • Augmented Reality
  • 3D models
  • Digital artwork
  • Websites
  • Video games
  • And many moreā€¦